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How strong is God?

If God is the Strongest being AND If God can do ANYTHING, CAN God create a rock so big that He cant pick it up?????
Question asked by: mrAlexx

Asked on: 14 Apr 2010

Yes, God can do just about anything for a believer.

For a long time it was believed that God could not create a rock so big that he couldn't pick it up and be able to pick anything up.

Then along came quantum theory and showed that God could be in a superposition and therefore both be able to build a big rock and to lift it at the same time!

By: knowitall
Replied at: 18 Apr 2010
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Comments and other answers:

This question has been asked in Philosophy classes forever. It is like the question: "What is the sound of one hand clapping?" or "If a tree falls in the forest and no one is arround,does it make a sound?" However in all seriousness let's just say "God is as strong as the situation needs him to be."
By: Tetrion

Date of comment: Sat, Jul 21st 2012

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