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Hypothetical wonder

how would plants and animals exists if they were exsposed to 72 hrs sunlight followed by 72 hrs of darkness continously
Question asked by: wolfmother

Asked on: 20 Jan 2011

It would affect them differently.

For plants, they obviously create their energy during sunlight and through photosynthesis, so their energy levels would have to be such that they could take in all the energy they need in the 72 hours and store more of it than they might do normally, and also there are practical problems such as overheating if in continuous light.

For animals they would have to be more active and get the energy they need during the times of light assuming they are not nocturnal then just rest through the darkness and just consume water during that time, again it would be a big impact on them and probably make the chick rearing process or having youngsters to look after very tricky indeed and perhaps impossible as they can't really go three days without food!

By: knowitall
Replied at: 23 Jan 2011
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