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Maths calculator paper tommorrow & im revising, hmmm, stuck already!

A train travels at a speed of 180 kilometres per hour. Graham said that 180 kilometres per hour is the same as 50 metres per second. Show working to show that Graham was correct... Well i wrote "There are 60 seconds in a minute. 300 mins = 180 kilometres. 50 x 60 = 300 Therefore 300 = 180 kilometres". I ahve an awful feeling that makes no sense at all! Help! Katie x
Question asked by: KT-ELEANOR

Asked on: 13 Jan 2009

180 kilometres per hour is the same as 50 metres per second.

Just break it down step by step!

there are 3600 seconds in a minute, so 180 kilometres per hour is the same as 0.05 kilometres per second.

Now from kilometres to metres multiply by 1000 so 0.05 x 1000 = 50 therefore they are equivalent.

By: daveyc
Replied at: 14 Jan 2009
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