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What are some practical uses for discarded crab and lobster shells

Question asked by: leen4ever

Asked on: 10 Feb 2009

Ornamental uses - they can look quite nice in some times if they are shined and cleaned and made to look all sparkly.

You could display them in a shelf or a cabinet.

Or you could turn the larger ones upside down and use them to hold things such as loose change and coins and little bits and pieces.

By: knowitall
Replied at: 15 Feb 2009
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Comments and other answers:

The inside of a crab's or lobster's exoskeleton (so their shell) is really sticky. Scientists are considering using this stickiness as a surgical adhesive, using this to seal wounds instead of stitches.
By: Dkidon

Date of comment: Fri, Feb 12th 2010

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crab  lobster  shells  discarded  practical  uses  

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