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How can I sell my music online?

Question asked by: knowitall

If you want to sell your music online, then there are now so many places that you can do it at!

For instance you could try adding your songs to the many MP3 directories out there and also sites for new artists.

Note that some of them are free and others charge money to be listed; so it is up to you how much exposure you want and how much you are prepared to pay.

These days some bands get all their promotion and people buying their material online so it really has opened up the market for more bands, but remember there will be thousands of groups listed on each of these sites each hoping for some level of popularity, so don't get too dis spirited when you notice this and all your competition!

By: Unknown
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I would like to recommend a company I had a great experience with. www.tunecore.com . Gets you on Itunes and the like really easily and cheaply!
By: cordia1982

Date of comment: Tue, May 20th 2008

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