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Will the earth's population survive when the moon has moved to far away to be seen by the naked eye?

Question asked by: laus1502

Asked on: 21 Apr 2008

Yes the earth will still be here depending on the time that it takes to move away.

Ultimately the earth will be engulfed when the sun swells up to become a red giant.

Now the moon will have moved a long way away long before then due to the fact we are not holding onto it tightly in orbit so it moving away and within the 4 billion years or so of the sun's life it will be lot further away.

This in itself will not kill us off though it will affect things such as the tides and other weather conditions on earth but these should not be fatal particularly if there is advanced civilisation there - but probably not humans as we know it.

By: knowitall
Replied at: 27 Apr 2008
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eye  naked  population  earth's  survive  moon  

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