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Alternative Health

Eczema And Your Diet
What to eat to treat...

Food And Health: Celery
Many people think that celery is just water. True a high percentage of it is, but that which isn't contains some things that are good for you. These...

Food And Health: Cucumbers
Cucumbers are excellent when it comes to many vitamins and minerals that we need in our diet. These include things such as silicon, in addition to...

Food And Health: Potatoes
Potatoes and carb givers in general seem to have had a bad press of late. However potatoes have been a staple for a long time for good reason. As well as...

Food And Health: Tomatoes
It is well known that tomatoes are good for you, but it can be hard to make children eat them. Perhaps if they appreciate the benefits it would make them...

Help On Stopping Smoking-Nicotine Gum
Hints and tips...

Herbal Supplements: Safe Or Not?
There is a lot of debate at the moment as to exactly what the impact of certain medicinal or alternative supplement herbs are on the body. Whilst most...

How Positivity Can Affect Your Health
Whilst we have always known there is clearly a strong connection between the mind and the body, much research suggests that our mental attitude can have a...

How Sunglasses Can Affect Your Eyes
Health of the eyes...

How To Avoid Depression
Low fat can lead to depression...

How To Avoid Ischemic Heart Disease For Men
black tea is the key...

How To Beat A Cold
Vitamin C...

How To Beat Flu Naturally
Smelly but effective...

How To Beat Frequent Colds
Wash hands often...

How To Beat Heartburn
Smaller meals are better...

How To Beat Toothache Naturally
Cloves do more than repel...

How To Bolster The Immune System
One of the best ways to bolster the immune system is through things that you don't do, and not just things that you do! Put simply, one of the best ways to...

How To Break Bad Habits
Tips on breaking bad habits...

How To Brighten Your Teeth
Whiten teeth like this...

How To Build Your Immune System
Build your immune system in the winter when it is cold and we are miserable and susceptible to colds. The simplest and perhaps most important thing is to...

How To Control Your Hayfever Symptoms
Vaseline to the rescue...

How To Detox Overnight
The detox patch...

How To Ease A Migraine
Green apples!

How To Ease Hayfever
Hayfever and eucalyptus...

How To Ease Headaches
Use lavender oil for headaches...

How To Ease Pain
Write about the issues...

How To Eliminate Heartburn
Remove spicy and fatty foods...

How To Ensure Children Avoid Nits
Condition and use the comb...

How To Floss Correctly
Get those teeth nice and clean...

How To Get A Good Sleep When Your Headache Is On?

How To Get Rid Of Verrucas
Don't slip on the banana skin...

How To Have A Healthier Heart
Give blood...

How To Have Better Teeth
Clean before eating not after...

How To Heal Small Cuts
Keep it moist...

How To Help Digestion
Eat at a table and slowly...

How To Help Prevent Heart Disease
Green tea can help, scientists think

How To Help Prevent Lung Cancer
According to a recent survey, it has been estimated that eating a diet high in fruit and vegetables has many benefits. Apparently this sort of diet can also...

How To Improve Your Eyesight - Without Glasses
Use these natural techniques to help your eyes

How To Keep Eyes Healthy In Summer
Eyes and healthiness...

How To Lower Blood Pressure, Beat Stress And Much More
Some great tips on lowering blood pressure, and even how to choose the sex of your baby!

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