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Am I in a computer simulation?

Question asked by: knowitall

It is possible that you are in a computer simulation.

In fact it is unlikely that you could ever prove conclusively or otherwise whether you are in a computer simulation or not.

The interesting point here is that what we assume to be the case may not be.

It could be that a God exists and created the universe, or it could be some super powerful species created a universe for its own amusement - say it lives for infinity - and that's a long time to occupy yourself - and engineered it so that sporadically intelligent life would spring up.

You could be part of this universe or a sophisticated entity within a simulation.

You will never know for sure, so for the sake of headspin and sanity its best not to give it too much thought.

By: Unknown
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Comments and other answers:

I do not particularly like this question for a number of reasons. Firstly, when people ask "are we in a computer simulation?" it is silly because us, humans, invented the idea of a computer simulation. It doesn't exist - it is in itself a concept we created so to say that we are in someone else's "simulation" is very unlikely. The same goes for someone elses dream because that is another concept humans created.
By: antomonic

Date of comment: Sun, Nov 16th 2008

We really don't know if we are in a computer simulation but it is possible we are in some unreal situation or a dream which has an apparent consistency following the normal human logic. There could be some higher logic beyond the normal human logic based upon cause-and-effect reasoning or analogy.We have all felt that we are actually enacting a pre-scripted role which inexorably leads to the accomplishment of some design we do not seem to understand.We have also felt that we exist as long as the Grand Dream continues and the moment we wake up we cease to exist.May be, we are part of somebody's dream and our own little dreams are dreamt within the scheme of the Grand Dream.
By: nisheedhi

Date of comment: Sun, Nov 11th 2007

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