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Is there any proof atheism is true?

Question asked by: mrquestion

Asked on: 18 Dec 2009

No there is no proof that atheism is true in the sense that this would require someone to proove definitively that God does not exist, or indeed any other deity which is what atheism says.

However the best it can do is say that there is no reason to think that there is a God which is what of course atheists believe but there is no proof they can offer to show that this is definitely the case.

By: knowitall
Replied at: 18 Dec 2009
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Comments and other answers:

I think there is a misunderstanding on the atheist position. Atheism isn't a belief in itself and therefore not subject to the question of being true or not in this sense. Atheism is the absence of a theistic belief. So an Atheist simply does not subscribe to the belief that there is a God of any description. So when you speak about the Atheistic belief, then this is the same as calling non-stamp collecting a hobby.
By: ptapoo

Date of comment: Fri, Jan 21st 2011

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