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What is the meaning of life?

Question asked by: knowitall

Traditionally, the meaning of life might have been to do the best one could in your life for others and to mirror the values that God endorses, and consequently get into Heaven for a good life in eternity.

In a non-religious world, the meaning of life is much more up for grabs. It seems strange to think that there is some ultimate concept 'the meaning of life', and hence people have to search for meaning in their own lives, as it is generally accepted that there is no concept extrinsic to each human.

Most people seem to look for concepts such as creativity and being good, achieving one's goals, as giving each individual life meaning. Therefore making oneself happy and fulfilling your dreams and being as creative as you can seem to be the best ways to give your life meaning!

By: Unknown
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Honestly...I have thought about this quite a bit. If we had any true meaning to life. And there was such thing as "god", wouldn't he have told us or given us a sign on what we are meant for. I mean...if we were to return to god. Why would he have made the devil? God knew the devil would try and become more powerful then god, so why make the devil in the first place? To me, I've thought about this for days and weeks, but I think the meaning to life...the reason we exist is to wonder why we exist. Because it makes perfect sense. All stand points are closed. No doors left unopen. Everything is clear with this. Not saying the answer above was a bad answer but still...I honestly believe the reason we exist is to wonder why we exist.
By: Kevin

Date of comment: Tue, Mar 28th 2006

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