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Why do people think there might be more than one universe?

Question asked by: mrquestion

Asked on: 03 Feb 2010

People think there might be more than one universe because it fits in with their theory about the history of the world, and they think this is important enough to make the biggest sweeping step there is: increase the amount of matter in the universes (or collecton of multiverses) and so on exponentially, and perhaps infinitely.

The problem with the multiverse theory is that it is too decadent and indulgent, and Ockham would have a field day with his razor on it.

The reason that it gathers momentum and support is simply because there are so many things that seem like strange co-incidences or facts about our universe that we can't explain. However if everything is played out somewhere then it is less of a mystery, we're just in a lucky place.

The problem is on this theory where everything that can happen does happen, then we don't really need to explain anything, even trivial things.

By: knowitall
Replied at: 03 Feb 2010
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