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Do ghosts exist, or can you give a scientific explanation?

Question asked by: knowitall

Whether or not ghosts exist is a very personal belief, and hence the answers from one individual to the next will vary greatly.

Some believe in ghosts 100% whilst for others there is always a scientific and rational explanation for strange events that does not need recourse to the concept of ghosts.

Some believe in ghosts in the sense of spirits due to religious beliefs and convictions, and thus for many people the concept is an everyday part of their beliefs and not spooky in the sense of halloween and strange goings ons.

By: Unknown
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This is something that is percieved and only can be stated as fact through oneself.. if you have seen a ghost then you know its fact,, but our brains also has the tendency to revalue things after a certain time of evalution, if you were sure you seen a ghost on thursday,, by sunday after some time thinking about the situation, your brain and yourself will think up new ideas and possibilities to how it might not have been a ghost.. video evidence cn be faked, peoples stories can be lies. its your own experiences and beliefs that can only prove this. in my oppinion and experiences ghosts exist due to my life understanding the spiritual and religious side of life.
By: tandaman

Date of comment: Tue, Jun 2nd 2009

Maybe ghosts exist IS the scientific explanation. Just because current science has no knowledge of something, it doesn't mean it doesn't exist and/or isn't possible.
By: faraway

Date of comment: Wed, Apr 29th 2009

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scientific  explanation  ghosts  exist  

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