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Is what we see the same as everyone else eg. How do we know that the 'yellow' we are seeing is the same 'yellow others see?

Question asked by: Ellacarter

Asked on: 21 Sep 2010

This is a very good question and is one that is often studied in philosophy.

Whilst we assume that other minds are like ours because of the biology being very similar, there is no way to prove this, and infact we know that some people do perceive colours differently to others.

Because being yellow is a socalled secondary quality and we can't tell therefore if what someone else calls yellow is the same as what we call yellow, whether the phenomenology of the perception is the same or not.

It is useful to assume that others do see it the same way, but the fact is that there is no way to know for sure that that is the case.

By: knowitall
Replied at: 26 Sep 2010
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