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What is the world's smallest country?

Question asked by: knowitall

This is the Vatican City, in Italy. It has a population of just 1,000 or so people!
By: Unknown
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Comments and other answers:

I agree, it is the Vatican City...smallest country in the world !
By: rebotco76

Date of comment: Wed, Mar 10th 2010

Well actually the smallest country in the world size wise is the pricipality of sealand off the coast of england its around 550 meters squared. Prick.
By: badger3514

Date of comment: Wed, Jul 1st 2009

Actually the smallest country in the world going by size is the principality of sealand which is approximatley only 550 square meters. it has its own royal family and currency and its located of the shore of england somewhere :)
By: badger3514

Date of comment: Wed, Jul 1st 2009

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