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English Glossary Questions

Beauties. What is the animate of beauties ? or A __ of beauties
How can I improve my spelling?
How to i get rid of marks that are left on my face by spots?
Is mystery falls under fiction or non-fiction
Johnny & the dead
Main features of metaphor and metonymy are?
What are the past and past participle of these verbs?
What is a cliche
What is a metaphor
What is a noun
What is a noun?
What is a portmanteau word?
What is a proverb
What is a simile
What is anadiplosis
What is anaphora
What is anastrophe
What is anthropomorphism
What is antiphrasis
What is double-entendre
What is era?
What is euphemism
What is hyperbole
What is irony
What is logodaedely
What is personification?
What is preciosity?
What is slang
What is syllepsis?
What is synecdoche?
What is the term used when people say the wrong word?
What is tmesis?
What is trope?

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Category: english