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I have some marks on my skin from sun damage/age spots (like large freckles). Are there any good products to eliminate/reduce these?

Question asked by: knowitall

The first thing with any spots or colouring from sun damage is to consult your damage just to check out that there is nothing suspicious about them that needs to be treated.

Once you are sure they are just marks and therefore safe, then you should consult with a dermatologist who will be able to recommend cosmetic procedures to remove these marks.

Alternatively talk to a beautician with regard the best lotions and potions on the market to cover-up, disguise or otherwise blend in these marks.

Remember that you should take action to prevent future skin damage from the sun by covering up with high factor cream when exposed to the sun, and moisturise your skin well too to prevent premature wrinkling.

By: Unknown
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freckles  good  eliminatereduce  products  marks  skin  spots  

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